Tag Archives: Porn

South Beach Lawyer Makes A Porno, Intentionally Leaks It, Blackmails People Who Illegally Watched It, Is Arrested For Blackmail.

A South Beach lawyer was charged yesterday with operating a massive porn-blackmail scheme, in which he and his cohorts would make their own porn then upload it onto the internet in places they knew it would be illegally downloaded. The feds say that lawyer, John Steele, and his team would then wait for someone to download that porn, and then blackmail them into forking over wads of cash, lest Steele reveal the victim's porn-watching history to the world. According to a federal indictment filed yesterday, Steele — a Minnesota native with a name that sounds suspiciously like a male porn star's — made $6 million from the scheme, working in tandem with his University of Minnesota classmate, Paul Hansmeier. Steele was arrested in Fort Lauderdale earlier today, according to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. In November 2011, he opened a branch of his law firm, Prenda Law, on 1111 Lincoln Road in Miami Beach. "Between 2011 and 2014, defendants Paul R. Hansmeier and John L. Steele orchestrated an elaborate scheme to fraudulently obtain millions of dollars in copyright lawsuit settlements by deceiving state and federal courts throughout the country," the indictment says. "In order to carry out the scheme, the defendants used sham entities to obtain copyrights to pornographic movies — some of which they filmed themselves — and then uploaded those movies to file-sharing websites in order to lure people to download the movies."

Miami New Times- A South Beach lawyer was charged yesterday with operating a massive porn-blackmail scheme, in which he and his cohorts would make their own porn then upload it onto the internet in places they knew it would be illegally downloaded. The feds say that lawyer, John Steele, and his team would then wait for someone to download that porn, and then blackmail them into forking over wads of cash, lest Steele reveal the victim’s porn-watching history to the world.
According to a federal indictment filed yesterday, Steele — a Minnesota native with a name that sounds suspiciously like a male porn star’s — made $6 million from the scheme, working in tandem with his University of Minnesota classmate, Paul Hansmeier.
Steele was arrested in Fort Lauderdale earlier today, according to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. In November 2011, he opened a branch of his law firm, Prenda Law, on 1111 Lincoln Road in Miami Beach.
“Between 2011 and 2014, defendants Paul R. Hansmeier and John L. Steele orchestrated an elaborate scheme to fraudulently obtain millions of dollars in copyright lawsuit settlements by deceiving state and federal courts throughout the country,” the indictment says. “In order to carry out the scheme, the defendants used sham entities to obtain copyrights to pornographic movies — some of which they filmed themselves — and then uploaded those movies to file-sharing websites in order to lure people to download the movies.”

First things first, I gotta see this porno. Gotta know this Lawyer’s dick game. It could arguably determine the outcome of his trial. Lawyers are cocky aggressive types. If he slays he’ll probably pay a minor fine. If he has no power in his hips, he might as well be a laughing stock at the next lawyer convention while prepping to retake the bar since this scheme is something out of a weird straight to DVD movie. Is it ridiculous? Absolutely. Do I hate the idea though? Not as much as I should for a failed plan. Sure it lead to his arrest but I feel like law enforcement does this all the time. Like when they set up a sting operation to catch hookers and johns except with a bit of a twist in that it’s a lawyer leaking his own porno and extorting people for millions.  Not even gonna hate on his pick up game though. Such a brilliant pick up line. “Hey honey, lets fuck so we can leak the video on line so when people illegally download it, we can blackmail them for millions.” Sex and money, no chick can turn that down. And we’re not talking like small amount either. 6 MILLION. That’s definitely more than amateur porn stars make. Plus it’s advice from a lawyer which almost 100% of the time means it’s legit. Such a porn star name too “John Steele.” Obviously the legal profession isn’t made for him, but Porn is definitely a possible career path for this guy.

Australian City Bans Porn And Asks Of It’s People To Promise To Stop Watching Porn

Cr Antonio was one of more than 200 civic leaders, students and workers who gathered to hear stories of the personal impacts of pornography, and to read a pledge promising not to engage with porn. "I dare say there will be some negative comments about it," Cr Antonio said. "But we must begin a journey with one step. I think what we've focused on today is the real value of proper relationships. Pornography has no place in that." A city of more than 100,000 residents, Toowoomba is known as the garden city, and a family-friendly community. It is also home to several adult shops, a brothel and a strip club. The Mayor said the 'city free from porn' push was not aimed at those businesses. "We're not talking about the people who are visiting the brothel or going along to the strip club," he said. "We're talking about the people who are impacted by pornography, and its impact on relationships. Last year, the National Boy's Health Forum heard boys aged 12-17 were the fastest growing users of pornography, and 88 per cent of porn sites contained aggressive acts that were almost always directed at women. The city leaders are concerned for the next generation. "Domestic violence is a social cancer," said John Minz, chairman of Toowoomba Together, an organisation committed to awareness and education on domestic violence issues. "Most quality research points to stereotypical gender-specific belief systems that reinforce a dominance and power over a female member of a relationship. "These belief systems begin when children are very young. "Politicians and police are doing what they can in relation to drugs and alcohol, but who is taking responsibility in relation to pornography? The answer is no one." Like the Mayor, Mr Minz believes pornography has no place in healthy relationships. "We are promoting values of respect, tolerance and understanding. Against this constructive social change platform, we have pornography," he saidMr Minz said parents should discuss the issue with their children. "Explain that it exists, because they will hear about it anyway," he said. Mr Minz was clear the campaign was not only driven by the city's religious leaders. "It's the mayor, it's Toowoomba Together, it's concerned parents. I think we need to see it beyond religious faith," he said. "If the very explicit and humiliating and aggressive pornography is there at the click of a button, logic says it is a big problem. "Our future is our young people, and the choices they make. How do we nurture that? "As parents, and as a community, we try and give them the best of the world. Exposure to pornography is not good, it shapes wrong attitudes that will affect their future lives."In a connected world, where pornography is only a button click away, how realistic is a 'porn-free' city? "I take a lot of hope from the anti-smoking campaign," said Toowoomba City Women chief executive Letitia Shelton.Ms Shelton believes pornography degrades and devalues women, but knows not everyone in her community will say no to pornography. "Ideally, we'd like them to realise the harm it can do to a community, to look at what porn does to a life," she said. "The ideal is a place where every human being is valued."

Australia- Cr Antonio was one of more than 200 civic leaders, students and workers who gathered to hear stories of the personal impacts of pornography, and to read a pledge promising not to engage with porn.
“I dare say there will be some negative comments about it,” Cr Antonio said.
“But we must begin a journey with one step. I think what we’ve focused on today is the real value of proper relationships. Pornography has no place in that.”
A city of more than 100,000 residents, Toowoomba is known as the garden city, and a family-friendly community.
It is also home to several adult shops, a brothel and a strip club.
The Mayor said the ‘city free from porn’ push was not aimed at those businesses.
“We’re not talking about the people who are visiting the brothel or going along to the strip club,” he said.
“We’re talking about the people who are impacted by pornography, and its impact on relationships.
Last year, the National Boy’s Health Forum heard boys aged 12-17 were the fastest growing users of pornography, and 88 per cent of porn sites contained aggressive acts that were almost always directed at women.
The city leaders are concerned for the next generation.
“Domestic violence is a social cancer,” said John Minz, chairman of Toowoomba Together, an organisation committed to awareness and education on domestic violence issues.
“Most quality research points to stereotypical gender-specific belief systems that reinforce a dominance and power over a female member of a relationship.
“These belief systems begin when children are very young.
“Politicians and police are doing what they can in relation to drugs and alcohol, but who is taking responsibility in relation to pornography? The answer is no one.”
Like the Mayor, Mr Minz believes pornography has no place in healthy relationships.
“We are promoting values of respect, tolerance and understanding. Against this constructive social change platform, we have pornography,” he saidMr Minz said parents should discuss the issue with their children.
“Explain that it exists, because they will hear about it anyway,” he said.
Mr Minz was clear the campaign was not only driven by the city’s religious leaders.
“It’s the mayor, it’s Toowoomba Together, it’s concerned parents. I think we need to see it beyond religious faith,” he said.
“If the very explicit and humiliating and aggressive pornography is there at the click of a button, logic says it is a big problem.
“Our future is our young people, and the choices they make. How do we nurture that?
“As parents, and as a community, we try and give them the best of the world. Exposure to pornography is not good, it shapes wrong attitudes that will affect their future lives.”In a connected world, where pornography is only a button click away, how realistic is a ‘porn-free’ city?
“I take a lot of hope from the anti-smoking campaign,” said Toowoomba City Women chief executive Letitia Shelton.Ms Shelton believes pornography degrades and devalues women, but knows not everyone in her community will say no to pornography.
“Ideally, we’d like them to realise the harm it can do to a community, to look at what porn does to a life,” she said.
“The ideal is a place where every human being is valued.”

What kind of porn does this mayor watch? I mean part of me doesn’t want to blame him. Have you guys seen the porn trending these days? Its legit loaded with incest porn. Just a bunch of mom’s having sex with sons and shit. Some weird Oedipus Rex nonsense going on with Porn hub and I don’t like it. That’s the kind of stuff that’ll ruin families if a 12 year old kid is thinking his mom is gonna have sex with him when his pops is on a work vacation. But I mean this guy sounds like he’s going into the hardcore category where guys are like doing some really deplorable stuff that I occasionally watch. But I mean more likely than not the porn sex is all mutual between the guy and girl. She’s having fun, he’s having fun. She wants a load on her face, he wants to put it there. Everything is all copacetic in the porn i watch. If you take that away from me who knows what I’ll do when I need to just be left alone and decompress.

Does this Mayor understand what can happen to a society when you take away porn? Like I like the idea of strong Family morals for sure, but I also know that people are people and we all have our vices. You can be like the father in the last post and do heroin, but like 99% of the world all we need is a good ol’ fashion session when your alone for five minutes. We’re all human and we get annoyed with one another. Yea sometimes i didn’t clean a fucking dish. Do you get into a screaming match that leads into a domestic violence case? No, You walk away, visit some websites, do something for five minutes, and everything all comes back down to normal. A healthy relationship.

But maybe this mayor is a sneaky genius? Instead of visiting your favorite porn site when you get mad at your significant other, you boost the local economy and visit the town brothel and have Stacy clear your pipes. Visit all the strippers in town and help fund their college tuition. Maybe that is the smart play.

Teens Are So Lucky They Have Mobile Apps To Hide Their Nudes They Sext Each Other In High School

A bunch of teens at a Colorado high school are in serious trouble after authorities uncovered a “sexting ring” dedicated to maintaining and growing a database of explicit photos of basically every kid in town. According to The New York Times, students in Cañon City hid said nudes in a “vault” app that looked and worked like a normal calculator. “Nothing to see here, teach, just doing some boring math homework and not sexting at all.” But enter the secret code, and you gain access to a treasure trove of underage n00dz that would make Gary Glitter blush. Via the Times: George Welsh, the superintendent of the Cañon City school system, said students at Cañon City High School had been circulating 300 to 400 nude photographs, including images of “certainly over 100 different kids,” on their cellphones. “This is a lot of kids involved,” he said, adding that the children in the pictures were believed to be students at the high school as well as eighth graders from the middle school. They say there’s an equal number of girl nudes and boy nudes in the spank bank, which is nice. Numerous members of the football team are thought to be at the center of the “ring,” prompting the school district to cancel the final game of the season. “If we’re going to preach character and integrity and doing the right thing when nobody’s looking, we just can’t step on the field and compete — represent our school and our community with that,” athletics director Scott Manchester said at a news conference. If that’s true, they should cancel every football game ever, since anyone who’s ever seen a movie about high school knows high school football players are amoral bullies. Since possessing or distributing child pornography is a felony in Colorado, it’s possible some of the kids will be charged with crimes, but authorities are confused about how to do this when everyone involved is underage. Via SkyNews: It could take months to sort the offenders from the victims, District Attorney Thom LeDoux told a news conference. He said he would charge students only if absolutely necessary, but warned that consent is not a factor when dealing with nude photographs of children under the age of 18. “It doesn’t matter if it was consensual,” Mr LeDoux told reporters. “There is no distinction according to Colorado state statutes. “The district attorney’s office will make distinctions as we see fit.” “It doesn’t matter if it was consensual” being a super great lesson to teach impressionable youngsters. As previously discussed, it’s insane to charge minors with sex crimes for what’s basically just a safer version of things teens have been doing with each other for centuries. Maybe instead of stripping teens of the agency to consent to developmentally appropriate activities, adults should teach them about consent, boundaries, respect, etc., and then get the hell out of their rooms. Or maybe we should just throw them all in prison until they get their hormones under control. Just spitballing ideas here.

DeathAndTaxes- A bunch of teens at a Colorado high school are in serious trouble after authorities uncovered a “sexting ring” dedicated to maintaining and growing a database of explicit photos of basically every kid in town.
According to The New York Times, students in Cañon City hid said nudes in a “vault” app that looked and worked like a normal calculator. “Nothing to see here, teach, just doing some boring math homework and not sexting at all.” But enter the secret code, and you gain access to a treasure trove of underage n00dz that would make Gary Glitter blush. Via the Times:
George Welsh, the superintendent of the Cañon City school system, said students at Cañon City High School had been circulating 300 to 400 nude photographs, including images of “certainly over 100 different kids,” on their cellphones. “This is a lot of kids involved,” he said, adding that the children in the pictures were believed to be students at the high school as well as eighth graders from the middle school.
They say there’s an equal number of girl nudes and boy nudes in the spank bank, which is nice.
Numerous members of the football team are thought to be at the center of the “ring,” prompting the school district to cancel the final game of the season. “If we’re going to preach character and integrity and doing the right thing when nobody’s looking, we just can’t step on the field and compete — represent our school and our community with that,” athletics director Scott Manchester said at a news conference. If that’s true, they should cancel every football game ever, since anyone who’s ever seen a movie about high school knows high school football players are amoral bullies.
Since possessing or distributing child pornography is a felony in Colorado, it’s possible some of the kids will be charged with crimes, but authorities are confused about how to do this when everyone involved is underage. Via SkyNews:
It could take months to sort the offenders from the victims, District Attorney Thom LeDoux told a news conference.
He said he would charge students only if absolutely necessary, but warned that consent is not a factor when dealing with nude photographs of children under the age of 18.
“It doesn’t matter if it was consensual,” Mr LeDoux told reporters. “There is no distinction according to Colorado state statutes.
“The district attorney’s office will make distinctions as we see fit.”
“It doesn’t matter if it was consensual” being a super great lesson to teach impressionable youngsters.
As previously discussed, it’s insane to charge minors with sex crimes for what’s basically just a safer version of things teens have been doing with each other for centuries. Maybe instead of stripping teens of the agency to consent to developmentally appropriate activities, adults should teach them about consent, boundaries, respect, etc., and then get the hell out of their rooms.
Or maybe we should just throw them all in prison until they get their hormones under control. Just spitballing ideas here.

Lets get the obvious out of the way. Kids in high school watch porn, have sex, smoke cigs, drink and all the above now a days. Baring any pedophilia, all this shit is just expected in the culture of Americana these days. I will say though, I’m jealous they got each other’s nudes. We all know back then we wanted to see every girl in home room naked. Teachers included. But that means you had to have sex in order to see a nipple. Sure we had the luck of occasionally seeing 2 people going at it in the stairwell or bathroom but we definitely didn’t have the technological convenience of some remote access vault of nudes just stored on everyone in your graduating class.

Now back then your boy dabbled in a porn ring in High school. 4th grade Mrs. K’s class. Me and like 4 other buddies would go home and print out nudes and see who had the best ones. Yea, thats right. Printed it out. Color inks expensive like a mother fucker but we all came through. We would hide them in a text book all folded up. One night i remember my buddy Aim chatted me saying he got a good one. So good you know what he did? He FAXED that shit to me. No lie, first time i used a fax machine and boy i wont ever forget the picture. Brought it in the next day and showed all our friends. See we only found simple shit back then like a girl laying with no thong. Simple shit. This on the other hand was like going from baby’s milk straight to bourbon. It was some sexy latina chick in baby blue heels and matching bikini top with her finger in her pussy. Clit just daggering your eyeballs. Now the problem was we kept these in our text books. And when your in the 4th grade, your kind of dumb and forgetful. No one will admit to who fucked up but one of us stuck the book back in the front counter as a copy of the text book for people who left it at home. These two chicks, one i had a crush on, grabbed a copy off the shelf and turned it open. I knew right then and there we fucked up. Eyes as wide as ever, and when she showed the teacher, I could see the look of shock as this phat booty latina chick is playing with her pussy right in Mrs. K’s face.

We didn’t have the convenience of digital mobile apps that we can carry with us everywhere. We literally had to make paper trails. I guess that’s just a part of life. You’re born, you grow, you go to school, you become a part of a porn ring, and you will get caught eventually. Whether its paper print outs of a girl fingering her pussy or digital compressed files of Julie from Earth science flashing her tits, you will be caught. C’est La Vie.

Never In History Has There Been A Guy Caught So Red Handed At Jerking off

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Unbelievable. For a second I thought we were just gonna watch him jizz in his boxers and do the whole clean up crew detail before realizing there’s what sounds like a black man right in front of his face filming him beat his meat. Can’t blame him that much though. Those gas station jobs in the middle of the night get lonesome. One or two people probably come in once an hour when you’re working the grave yard shift and thanks to mobile devices and 4g LTE internet speeds you have the convenience of a virtually endless amount of porn in the palm of your hands. We’ve all had that moment where you’re brain shuts off and you’re scrolling through and when you find the perfect video you just zone in. Like you’re eyes have a ubiquitous gaze where you fix your eyes on the point where the dudes dick meets the chicks pussy no matter which angle you stare at it from. Its like looking at the Mona Lisa. Its hypnotic and you can’t break your eyes away from it until you jizz or some guy calls you out for jacking off at work.

This New Ronda Rousey Porn Parody Trailer Looks Awful

I get it, its just a porno parody. But if I were Ronda Rousey I would’ve tried to take some control of the situation. I mean In that one scene you see Porno Rousey use her signature arm bar and the guy made it look like it was no threat at all. Thats not a good look for the real Ronda Rousey If I see her porn character use the arm bar and instead of pain in the opponents eyes i just picture them wanting to dominate her sexually. I need some passion and intensity from Ronda ArouseMe. I mean the chicks did the signature hair bunned up look i guess, But Rousey’s known for her ferociousness. Her energy. The anger was non existent. I was expecting a real dominating type of porn performance from her, Like a Gianna Michaels type just owning dick and pussy. What happened to the days when Digital Playground spent millions to make a porno like Pirates. I mean by the end of that I thought I was a swashbuckler enthralled in a sex filled adventure at sea, and by the end of Grounded and Pounded I want to feel my bones aching putting up an anger fueled sex romp.

Porn Stars Talk About The Grossest Experience On Set (NSFW And Gross)


Theres two big things i learned from this video and its that if you’re shooting an anal scene, almost always theres gonna be shit that gets out. Second is that girls who put make up sponges while working during their period might be THE GROSSEST things ever. EVER. Hearing them talk about it smelling like a dead person makes me want to kill myself. That shit is so gross and foul sounding. How the fuck does a girl not realize they have something up their cooch when it smells like a zombie. Disgusting. Dont even read this post or watch the video because its gross.

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This guy however looks like quintessential male european porn star. Down to a  T. Was kinda funny when he says he got shit on and it look like vegetable goulash. I never want ot eat that or think of that ever again but hearing him say it sounds kinda funny.

Also towards the end that one porn star talking about bitches getting cum drunk. Thats crazy. Ill never get a bitch cum drunk cause i just dont have a slinging cock for that but what a ride that must be.